Glengarry Glen Ross

by David Mamet
Directed by Brian Keegan

Glengarry Glen Ross is a play by David Mamet that premiered on Broadway in 1984. The play is set in a real estate office in Chicago, where four salesmen are desperately trying to sell dubious properties to unsuspecting buyers. The office is run by a ruthless manager who uses any means necessary to motivate his employees to sell, including intimidation and bribery.

The play explores themes of greed, desperation, and the dark side of the American Dream. The characters are all flawed and morally bankrupt, willing to do whatever it takes to succeed in their cutthroat industry. As the pressure mounts and the stakes get higher, the salesmen's relationships with each other begin to fray, leading to a dramatic and shocking conclusion.




David Mamet

David Mamet is an acclaimed American playwright, screenwriter, and film director. Born in Chicago in 1947, Mamet began his career as a playwright in the 1970s, with works such as American Buffalo and Sexual Perversity in Chicago. He is known for his distinctive writing style, which often features characters who speak in a clipped, profanity-laced language and stories that explore themes of masculinity, power, and corruption.

Glengarry Glen Ross is one of Mamet's most famous works, winning the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1984 and becoming a classic of American theatre. It has been revived numerous times on Broadway and adapted into a successful film in 1992. Mamet's other notable plays include Oleanna, Speed-the-Plow, and Race.

In addition to his work in theatre, Mamet is also a prolific screenwriter and has written scripts for films such as The Untouchables, Hoffa, and Wag the Dog. He has been nominated for multiple Academy Awards and won the Best Screenplay award at the Cannes Film Festival for his work on The Verdict.




Brian Keegan

Brian Keegan is an experienced actor and director who’s appeared on stage all across Auckland.  He was last seen on the Dolphin stage in the 2021 One Acts in The Irish Murderer. 

He has also performed in Glengarry Glen Ross before, playing the role of Shelly Levene.  Brian adores this play and is excited to bring David Mamet to the Dolphin Stage for the first time.


Welcome to Glengarry Glen Ross, a comedy about the high stakes world of real estate sales. While this play is often categorised as a drama, my approach to it will be different. I will be emphasising the comedic elements of the script, exploring the absurdity and humour in the cutthroat world of sales. This will require a delicate balance of tone, as we want to find the humor without losing sight of the very real pressures and tensions at play.

My goal is to create a production that is both entertaining and thought-provoking, highlighting the complexities of the characters and the situations they find themselves in. With a focus on the humour in the dialogue and situations, we hope to keep the audience engaged and invested in the story. We will also be experimenting with staging and physical comedy, using the space to create a dynamic and visually interesting production. Our cast of talented actors will be bringing their own unique interpretations to the characters, adding depth and nuance to the comedic aspects of the script. We look forward to bringing this fresh take on Glengarry Glen Ross to life on stage.





Arthur Young

Shelley Levene

Since 2013, Arthur has been a familiar face on the Dolphin stage, with recent roles in Spider's Web (2021) and Arsenic and Old Lace (2019), where he portrayed unscrupulous characters. Maintaining the trend, he embraces the role of a dubious real estate agent in his current play. Offstage, Arthur enjoys participating in extensive Dungeons and Dragons campaigns. To stay active and flexible as he ages, he surprisingly takes pole dancing and aerial hoop classes, striving for both exercise and agility.


Ryan Douglas

John Williamson

For Ryan, a proud Bay of Plenty native, this is his inaugural performance at Dolphin Theatre. Despite starting his acting career in late 2021, Ryan has already amassed an impressive repertoire, including Much Ado About Nothing (Don Pedro), The Phantom of the Opera (Raoul), Antony & Cleopatra (Antony), West Side Story (Tony), and more. Excited to portray John Williamson, Ryan finds the opportunity even more unforgettable as he joins a remarkable cast of talented individuals.


Oliver Roberts

Ricky Roma

After portraying a range of morally dubious characters in Our Man in Havana, God of Carnage, The Picture of Dorian Gray, and The Golden Fleece, Oliver intended to play a positive and kind role. However, Glengarry Glen Ross changed his plans entirely. Unable to resist the allure of Richard Roma's character, Oliver admits it may not be the absolute worst, but it ranks up there. Working on the play has been a thrilling and privileged experience, especially with the exceptional cast, director, and the talented Dolphin crew.


Nat Churches

James Lingk

An up-and-coming actor coming out of tertiary training, Nat Churches is stepping out into the industry with his role in Glengarry Glen Ross. He feels blessed to have an opportunity to work with such a renowned cast and crew, although - rather like his character Lingk - he often cannot help but be overwhelmed by the talent and finesse he finds himself alongside.

Mark Bishop

George Aaronow

Mark makes his debut at Dolphin Theatre following his roles as Detective Polhaus in The Maltese Falcon and lovable Sam Fluck in Hilda's Yard at Howick Little Theatre last year. After a 35-year hiatus from the stage, he dedicated a year to acting classes before returning under the guidance of Terry Hooper and Ruby Love. Their encouragement convinced him to put his lessons into action. When not rehearsing, Mark enjoys fishing in the Hauraki Gulf or cooking up feasts in serene bays and campgrounds.

Benedict Yew

Detective Baylen

Benedict's acting ambitions blossomed during Disney's Mulan filming in the South Island (2018). Encouraged by the set experience, he started training in 2019. Overcoming pandemic setbacks, he made his debut as Ho-Jon at the Glen Eden Playhouse (2022). Recently seen in April's 12 Angry Jurors, Benedict eagerly anticipates his upcoming role as Baylen in Glengarry Glen Ross.

Cory Hare

Dave Moss

Cory, from the Great White North, makes a comeback at Dolphin Theatre in his debut production. Having trained in Theatre Studies at the University of Guelph, Canada, he gained experience as a performer, director, designer, and technician. Cory previously showcased his talent with the South Canterbury Drama League in Ladies Night. For the past few years, he has been in New Zealand, passionately teaching Drama and inspiring students with his love for the stage.


Dolphin theatre is a community theatre and is run entirely by volunteers.
All acting roles are unpaid.